I RECENTLY WROTE on this very blog about my favourite cars. While that was fun I find it's always more fun to write about things you hate, so here it is...my top ten worst cars in the world.
As with my top ten favourite cars, this list isn't in any kind of order but here they are.
Toyota Prius

Citroen Saxo
I hate the Citroen Saxo, but most of all I hate the people who own them. When it was introduced it came with a free insurance deal, making it popuar with young people and young people are idiots! They took the Saxo to their hearts and proceeded to modify them under the false impression that they were improving them. The big wheels and lowered suspension actually hinder performance instead of helping and the awful bodykits are just offensive to look at. Seriously, I saw the car on the right and felt like my eyes had been raped!
VW Beetle
The beetle was invented by the worlds most evil man, a certain Mr. A. Hitler. This is not the only reason to hate the Beetle; its engine was in the wrong place (it took Porsche 40 years to make a rear-engined car drive properly), it was adopted by hippies as an eco-car despite actually spitting out quite a lot of carbon dioxides and worst of all, it is the reason behind that abysmal Herbie film with Lindsay Lohan. The new Beetle is crap as well!
Chrysler PT Cruiser
Chrysler PT Cruiser
The PT Cruiser was one retro-styled step too far. Trying to cash in on the retro scene, Chrysler designed the PT Cruiser to look like American cars of old but it looks more like it was designed using a jelly mould. The dodgy looks were backed up by equally ropey mechanicals that left the driver feeling like they were driving something that actually was made of jelly. It was joined by an ill-judged convertible model that did nothing to improve the PT's credentials.
Reva G-Wiz
Just the sight of a G-Wiz fills my entire body with sheer hatred. It is a godforsaken little misery box that is good for absolutely bugger all! It's an electric car with a range of just 40 miles, this figure drops dramatically though if you want to use the radio, lights, heater or wipers. So if it's a cold and rainy night you're in trouble. Also, it is classed as a 'quadricycle' so it doesn't have to pass the saftey tests that a proper car does which means that if you crash it you will die.
Hyundai Accent
The Hyundai Accident isn't a bad car by traditional standards, no it's crime is far worse: mediocrity. It might not have as many faults as some cars but those other cars have good points as well, their faults are simply quirks. The Hyundai is dull and has precisely 0 personality. Several attempts to 'sex it up' with faux sporty models were futile because they were just as horrible and simply brought to mind a phrase which includes the words 'polishing' and 'turd'!
Alfa Romeo Arna

Hummer H2
This car represents all that is wrong with America. It's too big, too thirsty, too brash and terrible in every concievable way. Supposed to be a luxury 4x4 like a Range Rover it fails in every aspect. It's bad on the road, it's worse off road, it will cost you an absolute fortune to run and people who see you driving it will think (correctly) that you are a complete tosser. Thankfully, Hummer have now gone bust.
Vauxhall Cavalier
I can't really explain why I hate the Cavalier, I just do. It's a giant slab of boring nothingness that used to litter the motorways of Britain as sales executives trundled up and down the country. Now it's more likely to be found abandoned on a council estate. The Cavalier is also a firm a favourite amongst thieves and joy-riders due to its easy stealability.
Lamborghini Diablo

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